15 plants, vitamins and minerals to help your body recover when you are celebrating or partying and wake up feeling fresh. Just take 1 NOMO shot before first drink and 1 NOMO shot before going to sleep.
HANGOVERS SUCK From the obvious (headache, nausea) to the less obvious (wasted day, feeling down and anxious from the GABA rebound - Hangxiety)
NOMO hangover shots help your body process the toxic byproducts of alcohol (acetaldehyde) and get it out of your system without overworking your liver and kidneys, helping you feel fresh the day after a night out.
NOMO hangover works while your body is processing alcohol, since it binds to toxic byproducts of alcohol metabolism - meaning you have to take 1 BEFORE drinking (or with your first drink) and 1 before going to sleep - so it can do its magic and prevent all the nasty symptoms of a hangover from ever happening in the first place.
Much easier to prevent the hangover in the first place, than to try and fix it in the morning!
Just drink some water, right? Well, not quite. Dehydration is actually not the primary cause of why you feel poorly after drinking. Dehydration only causes a few effects, like fatigue and dry mouth. Majority of significant hangover effects, like headache, nausea, poor sleep and "hangxiety" are caused by buildup of acetaldehyde and other byproducts of alcohol metabolism, that are reduced when using NOMO.
How do I use NoMo?
For best results, take one bottle before you go out, and one before you go to sleep. Wake up feeling fresh.
What is NoMo?
NoMo is a mixture of essential vitamins, nutrients and the proprietary NOMO Hangover Blend®, which keeps you refreshed and hangover free the next day. Taste of delicious oranges is just an added bonus.
When do i take NoMo?
NOMO hangover works while your body is processing alcohol, since it binds to toxic byproducts of alcohol metabolism - meaning you have to take 1 BEFORE drinking (or with your first drink) and 1 before going to sleep - so it can do its magic and prevent all the nasty symptoms of a hangover from ever happening in the first place.
Much easier to prevent the hangover in the first place, than to try and fix it in the morning!
Will NoMo sober me up?
It is important to note, that NoMo, does not in any way lower your alcohol levels or make you sober - so enjoy responsibly. Its only purpose is to make your next day better, and it's very good at this job.
Why is NoMo in liquid form?
Why not capsules? The key here is rate of absorbtion. A surprising fact is, that our body discards around 60% of nutrients from capsules, and only 2% of liquids. All the nutrients in our drinks are already dissolved, and ready to work overtime for you.